Published on February 3rd, 2016 | by Kevin Given
Review: James Bond #4
“We take Safety very seriously here, Mr. Bond.” – Slaven Kurjak
My first James Bond comic book. I must say that I had reservations about reviewing a Bond comic book. I’ve never attempted to read any of the movie adaptations. I really didn’t think Bond would adapt well in a comic book format. But after seeing how well received Dynamites adaptation was I decided to give it a try. I’m glad I did.
Jason Masters art gives Bond a unique “everyman” look to the character. Surprisingly, he doesn’t try to make 007 look like any of the movie incarnations of the character. One would think that someone adapting Bond would have him resemble the current movie version (Daniel Craig) or the most popular version (Sean Connery) but Masters has enough confidence in his own style to make him suave yet handsome, and not copy any of the movie versions.
The issue begins as Bond meets a “Mr. Masters” in Berlin station. James calls headquarters using a code since Masters informs him that Al-Zein are up on the mobile phones. Masters leads him to a lab called Kurjakmedizin. Without giving to much away here, Bond finds the lab in a less than desirable condition.
Here the action picks up and a true Bond fan will not be disappointed. >SPOILER< Slaven Kurjak is an excellent antagonist on par with Ernst Stavro Blofeld. The discovery of a new drug came about rather innocently as they were searching for a cure for cancer. What depths will certain human beings go through to gain the upper hand? Read on and find out.
Rating: Teen +
Cover A: Dom Reardon
Writer: Warren Ellis
Art: Jason Masters
Genre: Action/Adventure, Media Tie-In
Format: Comic Book
Page Count: 32 pages
UPC: 725130241818 04011
ON SALE DATE: February 3
Price: $3.99