Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on December 2nd, 2020 | by Richard Boom


Review: “Loco Hero” from Monte M. Moore Turns Homeless Latina Vet into Superhero Vigilante

Loco Hero tells the story of a homeless Latina war vet, named Brina, who sustains a head trauma after trying to stop a crime, and when she wakes up to she believes that she’s a hero. She makes it her goal to stop a ruthless tycoon and his thugs from leveling the slums to build what she thinks is a super-villain headquarters.  

With all the action happening, there are also flashbacks and hallucinations due to said head trauma and most certainly an unhealthy amount of untreated PTSD. The story is riveting, challenging and heartbreaking all rolled into one and creator Monte made sure to not hold his punches…

This is not only a tale about a vigilante.. this is much more. The distress of living in the street, the way vet’s are not looked after, the way big developing companies just use criminal elements to chase the poor folks away in order to create a mall… Monte uses the comic book media to tell a story which is layered.

If you want a comic book: this one is good. If you want a solid story: Monte as you covered. If you want exciting and amazing artwork and action sequences: artist Donny will do this better then most. If you want a layered message focused on humanity, hope and friendship… it is all here!

The real kick in this book for me, is the way the flashbacks to Brina’s war-past are handled. You really get the intensity of the memories, the way this trauma can really deform one’s sanity even though the person is thoroughly good in nature.

Are there things that might have been done better? Well, for an Indie book this is a real good book for sure, but I would have liked a few things better:

  • the art at times felt rushed near the end
  • I would have loved an extra 4 pgs added with perhaps some personal notes on this project, a little Q&A or an overview of all the possible covers (a lot!!!) even
  • less of a cliffhanger 🙂
  • perhaps better squarebound since this book deserves that 🙂

But this is nitpicking to be frank cause you get a LOT!

  • 48 pg full story… yes, not 16 or 22 but a full 48 pgs of full color story
  • paper quality is just wow
  • cover is even better
  • matte finish I think… which I adore
  • and if you backed via Kickstarter, then the extra’s (freebies aka stretch goals) are just cool!!


Writer, creator, art direector, publisher: Monte Michael Moore
Pencils: Donny Hadiwidjaja
Inks: Donny Hadiwidjaja
Colors: Sean Callahan
Art Coordinator: André Siregar
Lettering: Jonathan Carter & Jamie Me
Cover artists: Monte M. Moore, Donny Hadiwidjaja, Marat Mychaels, Jesse Wichmann, Mike Krome, Eric Basaldua

Wanna BUY it? Get in line... or just go to Monte’s Online Store at MAVART!

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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