Review: Marada HC - Comics for Sinners

Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on November 14th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

Review: Marada HC

Marada The-She WolfA long time ago there was this lovely creator-owned department within Marvel, publisher Spider-Man, X-Men and the likes. This pre-dated ICON series even had its very own magazine called ‘Marvel Epic’ and at a certain point in time the heralded X-scribe Claremont wanted to have a go at Sword & Sorcery. Claremont found this baffling British bloke called Bolton and the two set out to create magic.

Because magic it was… and still is!

Let me just come to the conclusion right away: this HC has to be in your collection as storybook or as artbook, but you can NOT go without this one!

Now to be more elaborate: Claremont set out to do something eerie. He gathers some interesting characters who all tell about the greatest warrior there has ever been, called “Marada”, but when the reader sees Marada, they only see the shattered remains of a human.

And this is just for starters! Claremont makes sure Marada sets out on a quest to find herself and to make her whole again. Revenge and love will see to that. I would love to say more about the demons, the wizards, the enchanters and the love for a man and his child… but that would be telling and this is a book you will need to endure and experience all by yourself!

She's Arrived!Artist John Bolton is a master of the art of paint and his immaculate perception of the art makes this book much more then just a collection of old stories. It makes for an art book, with every page easily to become a painting in a gallery. It is even more then an art book since the interviews, the forewords and all the side-notes that make up for this lovely oversized Hardcover, will do even more then just make you drool on the paper. It will make you understand more about the process of creation; of the magic that is art and to which artists are true vessels.

Titan Comics has made this much more then just a random collection of stories. They made this into something that every art lover and comic book lover should have on their shelves and on their coffee tables.

There are classics, there are instant classics… and then you have “Marada”!


  • Words: Chris Claremont
  • Art: John Bolton
  • Publisher: Titan Comics
  • Format: Hardcover Collection
  • Page Count: 112pp
  • Price: $24.99
  • Release Date: Nov 12, 2013

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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