“No drawings of animals were harmed during the making of this comic ..." /> Review: Mystery Science Theater 3000 #2 - Comics for Sinners


Published on October 17th, 2018 | by Kevin Given


Review: Mystery Science Theater 3000 #2

“No drawings of animals were harmed during the making of this comic book.” – Crow T. Robot.

I love this comic! It is so totally unique. As a fan of original Golden age and Silver age comics as well as todays comic book world, I can’t get enough of what the MSCB3K team is doing. In this issue, Josh and Crow take a trip to the Golden era of comic book creation as they land in an issue of the Black Cat. Not Felicia Hardy, the villain/love interest of Peter Parker, but Linda Turner, Harvey comics female protagonist whose character is in Public Domain and first appeared in 1941. Crow also narrates his own Tales from the Crypt style anthology comic.

The Creative Team:

Our writers keep the energy flowing as they go back and forth between the modern era and Golden age style storytelling. Our villains, led by Dr. Forrester’s daughter, drop a Black Cat comic into the machine which makes it’s way to the Satellite ‘o Love and Jonah, along with Crow are teleported directly into the comic book. They land in the side-car of this title’s heroes’ motorcycle. She looks understandably confused as they just appear next to her. What draws the reader into the story is the total surprise element of not knowing what to expect next. It’s whacky, it’s zany and it prompts a chuckle or two on every page. Synthia pops up in time to prevent Bud Abbott’s stunt double from making it to the studio while attacking him with… Tortino’s Pizza Rolls! Josh rightly discerns that there were no Tortino’s in 1946! Great stuff includes Crow disappearing from this issue and winding up in a comic called Horrific, an homage to Tales from the Crypt style comics of the 1950’s (pre-Seduction of the Innocent.) and Josh working as a 1940’s style radio DJ.

Todd Nauck takes on the chores of drawing the modern day, narrative scenes and he captures our heroes perfectly in a slightly cartoony way. But realistic enough so it almost seems like we’re watching an episode of the show. The panels bleed into each other so well that it helps with the reading of this story and keeps the story flowing.

Jack Pollock tackles the old-style artwork and it’s awesome, complete with the slight yellowing of the borders. He does a great job of transporting us back to those golden days of yesteryear. The art is so good you would almost think you were witnessing Al Gabriele originals. The transition from modern art is seamless and makes the experience even MORE FUN (pun intended.) Highlights include the arrival of Tortino’s pizza rolls in 1946. And the car crash panels.

In Conclusion:

It’s wild, it’s zany, it’s all-encompassing of two great era’s of comic book storytelling. MSCB3K is a complete winner and should be with us for a long time to come. There is absolutely nothing like this on the market today and it should link new comic book readers with a curiosity of what’s gone on before. We fans of old-style comics can have a lot of fun with these issues and it gives us a chance to read new stories from a Golden age perspective. **** (8.9 rating)


Mystery Science Theater 3000 #2


Writer – Joel Hodgson, Harold Buchholz, Matt McGinnis, Seth Robinson, Sharyl Volpe, Mary Robinson

Art – Todd Nauck, Jack Pollock

Colors – Wes Dzioba, Jack Pollock

Letters – Michael Heisler

Publisher – Dark Horse

FC, 32 pages
On sale Oct 18

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About the Author

Kevin Given has studied with "Longridge Writers Group" and "Writer's Boot Camp" a speech/communications major from the University of Maine Presque-Isle/Orono sites. He has created the "Karl Vincent Vampire Hunter" franchise which includes 2 novels and 8 comic books. They can be found on amazon, Indyplanet and Kindle. For a limited time you can get digital copies of "Karl Vincent: Vampire hunter" #1 and "Files of Karl Vincent" #1 for free on Indyplanet. Kevin is producing the third novel in the series "Dracula Rising" (working title) and developing "Foul Blood" into comic book form.

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