Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on August 1st, 2019 | by Chuck Hall


Review: OZ: Heart of Magic #4 of 5

Dragons and secrets and more secrets OH MY!

While Dorothy and her band of exiles keep traveling deeper into the wastelands of OZ they get some unexpected, if not exactly enthusiastic, help in covering the distance they need to in order to find someway to save all of OZ. Left in a barren land they find what-WHO- has been drawing Dorothy to them.

While back in the Emerald City The Scarecrow learns just who is behind the plot, and who is helping.

There is another secret beneath the Emerald City, something that could change the balance of power forever. Something these people will destroy everything in order to find.

As the penultimate chapter of the series draws to a close all the various threads of story are coming together setting up the, you know it’s coming, final battle between the forces of good and evil. But what will be the final cost? To bring a balance in OZ what will Dorothy and her allies have to give up? We’ll find out next month.

The art is wonderful. If you read anything from Zenescope you know the ‘house style’. Solid line work, great movement and expressions. With just a beautiful color palette that separates and gives each realm it’s own look and feel. The opening few pages are simply gorgeous especially.

And something that a lot of people don’t praise enough is the lettering. In this case it’s used to enhance the art work, working with it to draw your eyes across the page and the separate fonts for the different non-human characters. Plus the narration, that while not a fan of at first, after a second look really grew on me and helped to lighten the tension of the story while also helping remind the reader of all the players on the page that some (myself included) may have had fuzzy memories about.

Looking forward to how this is all gonna end. As we know when dealing with magic, a price has to be paid. With all the destruction and death that’s happened over the course of the series what will be the ultimate price, not just the characters, but OZ itself have to pay to fix everything?

Writer- Terry Kavanagh

Story -Terry Kavanagh & David Franchini

Art – Marcelo Mueller

Colors- Leonardo Paciarotti

Letters – Maurizio Clausi (from Arancia Studios) Editor – David Franchini

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About the Author

Chuck Hall is a lifelong pop culture fan. Growing up on comics, sci-fi, fantasy and horror along with a deep love of reading and writing turned him into the person he is today. Now, whether or not that's a good thing is entirely left up to those who meet him, which is along the lines of meeting Bigfoot in the woods: You know you saw something just not for sure what exactly it was. But his pets love him so he has that.

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