Review: Rage: Bane of Demons TPB - Comics for Sinners


Published on August 10th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

Review: Rage: Bane of Demons TPB

rageofbaneWhen dire needs calls for new resolves, you just call upon your local demon-destroying deity of sorts, right? Of course you have to make sure that this overly powerfull character stays in check and will not go around wreaking havoc whenever he runs out of demons. And that is exactly what has happened in a very long-forgotten past and that is why Rage (what’s in a name?) has been locked up in rocky surroundings, strung up with magic-laced chains.

But when a demon-infested invasion starts making a kingdom feel threatened, the local mage comes up with the lore of Rage and sets out to free him to slay some demons. As mages go, he of course knows how to bind Rage from turning loose to much of his Rage-ness, so to speak. The big barbarian makes sure that the mage feels like he has some form of control over him and that sturdy smirk, combined with the little remarks Rage utters, make for one of the many fun moments of this book.

Mage and demonslayer meet up with a nasty yet sexy vixen and a squirmy thief and the fellowship has been crafted.

Writer Eric Peyron mixes up some Conan with Merlin and Tolkien and finishes off with some Old Country mythologie in order to make this fiery fairytale make worth the time to read and enjoy the comic and artist Thony Silas makes sure his painted chalk-style of art makes it a homerun.

The story sets up towards a massive demonlord versus Rage battle and delivers in spades and that is when the only disappointing feeling sets in: this ending is just that. An ending. And we need to wait till the creator gets time (money etc.) to get the next story out there!

Rage: Bane of Demons is available on multiple platforms via the Rage website.


  •    Words: Eric Peyron
  •     Art: Thony Silas
  •     Publisher: Glyphs Productions
  •     Price: $12.95
  •     Release Date: July 7, 2013

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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