Review: Robyn Hood: The Hunt part 3 of 6
Thanks to Robyn, New York is now rid of demons and monsters that have plagued the city for so long. She, however, will not get to enjoy any time off as our female archer has been relocated to a maximum-security prison on another world. Complete with inmates that she helped put away. She must watch her step every minute or things could get rough!
The Creative Team:
Latoya Morgan opens this issue with a bang as our hero is cautiously making her way through the jungle with another female prisoner that she escaped with. They’re making the best of their situation with what little supplies they have. This includes creating arrows from tree branches with a pocket knife. The duo part ways to avoid the prison authorities, who, incidentally, just discovered how these two escaped. Without revealing too much we’ll just say that the authorities have created their own suicide squad with inmates that want vengeance against Robyn. It’s “The Most Dangerous Game” meets “First Blood” as Robyn faces her deadliest opponents from the past. An intense read that gives our hero no rest as she’s chased across the island. When one of those enemies finally catches up to her, Morgan throws in a surprise twist opponent that catches both off guard. Great stuff.
Daniel Maine brings a fresh style to this toxophilite tale. When Robyn finally dons her costume, he gives us a splash that commands respect and shows a no-nonsense Robyn who is ready for anything as she states, “God I hate this Island.” The ultimate battle in this torrid tale is extremely tense and well rendered and will leave any Robyn Hood fan wanting more as their seems to be no way out for our bow-person.
In Conclusion:
A very satisfying chapter in this current Robyn Hood saga. Robyn is being ganged up on by enemies from the past and facing dangers that can only come from this Island prison. The authorities are illegally using prisoners as warriors because they know that they, themselves, are no match for this deadly woman. Can the combination of corrupt prison officials and Robyn’s deadliest foes finally do her in? To be continued. *** (7.8 rating.)
Robyn Hood: The Hunt part 3 of 6
Writer: Joe Brusha, Latoya Morgan
Art: Daniel Maine
Colors: Leonardo Paciarotti
Letters: Taylor Esposito
Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
Publication date: September 2017