Review: The Saga Of Pandora Zwieback ANNUAL 2013 - Comics for Sinners

Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on September 27th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

Review: The Saga Of Pandora Zwieback ANNUAL 2013

SWC_PanAnnual2013It always feels like Christmas whenever I get something in from Starwarp Concepts, and without the disillusions an adult might be experiencing, due to his real understanding of the commercialization of said event. But let us stop right there!

More important is the FUN factor of this book, and while it might be aimed towards young adults, each page is literally a joy for the eyes and for the mind. Sometimes readers of comic books just want to have FUN and Pandora is just that, FUN!

Creator-writer Steven A. Roman mixes young adult fantasy with some themes like ´young love´ but also with equal parts of ´female empowerment´ and lets Pandora be a real and true voice. A testament to these times, yet with all the positivity and optimism one needs to get through the day and night!

Pandora is a goth-dressed girl, overflowing with those youthful sparks of ‘carpe diem’ and she can see monsters. Yes, monsters are real! Zombies, shapeshifters, demons, vampires, succubi… they are all real. Most of the time they are hidden from the real world though but Pandora has the ability to see them all. She does not have any superpowers except that she is fast on her feet and her wits make the best of bad situations.

In this case the comic-part of the book involved her new beau and his ex-girlfriend, who has that obsessive nature that is always eerie, but is also some kind of hawk-shapeshifter with hypnotic abilities. You can be sure that this will make for one very special girl-fight, but to say more would be spoiling. Be assured of the fact that the dialogue and dynamics of the story are massive, fun-filled, intense and witty and the art by Portuguese artist Eliseu Gouveia, is just stellar and makes for a perfect match for the story!

Eliseu’s art is fresh, dynamic and can handle many camera-angles and panels which makes for sublime reading, that is for sure!

The second part of the Pandora Annual is prose. A lovely novel-ish story about Pandora’s adventures while shopping, which does include ‘Alice In Wonderland Japanese cousin’ vampires who are more interested in their appearance and dinner-on-the-go then to have a nice shopping moment! As is the case with the first illustrated story, is the fact that Roman really makes Pandora have a voice. A loud and lovely voice.

I think that a lot of readers will then go and order the Pandora Novel, that is for sure! This will get you hooked!

By the way, 2 novels already out, so go check Amazon or buy it directly via Starwarp Concepts.


  • Words: Steven A. Roman
  • Art: Eliseu Gouveia
  • Colors: Eliseu Gouveia
  • Publisher: Starwarp Concepts
  • Price: $7.99 U.S. (print comic) • $3.99 U.S. (digital edition) • 56 pages
  • Release Date: Sep 1, 2013
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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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