Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on February 24th, 2014 | by Richard Boom

Review: Tomb Raider (2014) #1

TombRaider1cvrSometimes I hate myself for not being able to find even more time to practice Escapism in, and when reading a comic which “picks up Lara Croft’s story where the smash hit Tomb Raider game left off—in a new ongoing comics series! Following the game acclaimed for its bold and sophisticated new vision, this series launches Lara Croft on the formative adventures that will change her life forever!“… then I am to fail and facepalm me to tears, because the games I have never played. Work, reading books/comics, watching movies/TVseries as well as raising kids and love and obey my wife make sure my Escapism is to be excluding game-playing.

So what is there left to say about amazing-as-always writer Gail Simone, who can always find the right voice for strong female leading charactes in comics, and is nailing that vibe for this comic yet again. What can I say about the great almost clear-ligne artwork by Nicolás Daniel Selma with dry-white-wine coloring by Michael Atiyeh, other then that it perfectely suits the story and makes it feel like you are reading a TEAM-book where every creative brain is working closely together.

Well… I can come in and say that I have NO clue where this story is going and that I have virtually no idea who the players (other then Lara) in the comic are, be it in the live-action sequence nor in the dream-sequence! I was ‘raised’ on Angelina Jolie’s version of Tomb Raider as well as Top Cow’s comic book series and ALL HAIL MICHAEL TURNER for making the best crossover ever!

Sure this comic has less cheesecake then the movie or the Top Cow comics, but do not let that fool you or discourage you. This is a solid read, although I am sure the TPB will make much more sense to me!


  • Writer: Gail Simone
  • Penciller: Nicolás Daniel Selma
  • Inker: Juan Gedeon
  • Colorist: Michael Atiyeh
  • Cover Artist: Dan Dos Santos
  • In Stores: February 26, 2014.

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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