Review: Vampire Vixens Of The Wehrmacht “If You Want Blood” Oneshot - Comics for Sinners

Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on September 29th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

Review: Vampire Vixens Of The Wehrmacht “If You Want Blood” Oneshot

Issue 1 PosterAdIt was first when browsing through the UK-magazine Wasted, when I dropped my jaw fell well toward my feet after seeing the art of Alex Ronald. It was dark, moody, photo-realistic, talented, bloody and all-out sex-in-a-bottle!

It had vampires and fun dialogue and it intrigued me to no extent.
And then I started following this artist and discovered that this was his ONLY comic book feat till date and I just happened to bare witness to the birth of this star. So I thought. And apparantly Mark Millar (foreword) had discovered this 15 years ago as well, but both Millar as myself apparantly lost him to the entertainment business called ‘game development’.

But I kept following him and when he finally FINALLY decided to scratch that itch and finish the first issue (in one beautiful oversized format!!) I was there to beg him to send me an issue… and he did. And it was one of the most glorified comic book finds in my comic book collecting years.

To witness the complete extent to Ronald’s itch was memorable in that it had one very VERY disappointing: the book ended!

I have now read it three times and barely could hold my saliva from drooling onto and ruining this amazing book and I plan to read it really a lot more times, since this is it! This is why I love comics! This is why comics should be read and created!

And this is EXACTLY why you should not only buy Marvel and DC, because there are true gems out there you just need to discover!

This over-the-top story about a gorgeous thong-and-bust dressed busty vampire, with that sad excuse for an accent, busting up German plans to muster the supernatural to make World War II there own little playing ground… this story is ridculous and fun and you will laugh at all the one-liners, the campy feeling and you will really drool about the artwork!

Stop reading this review and BUY this issue and pray to whatever gods or demons you worship, that Alex Ronald will give us more! We fans demand as such!

And according to the PR send out:

It’s the early stages of WW2 and the SS Occult division have unearthed a coven of Vampire women entombed within a subterranean church in north Africa.
Have the Nazis discovered the ultimate super soldier?
Sexy, ruthless, deadly and immortal, could these vampires be the ‘Guardians of Ultima Thule’ the  legendary keepers of the Aryan bloodline?

Before the Nazis can put their undead secret weapons to use, British agents from MI6 kidnap one of these women back to England.  With the help of mystic Aleister Crowley they turn this hell spawn woman to fight for King and Country.
Teamed with a bad tempered Army Chaplain, the Vamp and the clergyman are sent back into Germany to engage the Nazi Occult division and by the bullet or the Bible, send the Devil worshipping Nazis to Hell!

The  Vampire Vixens of the Wehrmacht at this moment is only internationally via mail order, with the final price dependent on postage costs to customer´s country. The comic itself is £5 UK.


  • Words: Emperor/Alex Ronald
  • Art: Alex Ronald
  • Publisher: Bump And Grind Comics
  • Price: £5 UK
  • Release Date: Sep 1, 2013

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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