Review: Vampirella Strikes #6 - Comics for Sinners

Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on June 20th, 2013 | by Richard Boom

Review: Vampirella Strikes #6

VampiStrikes06CovNevesWith this final issue I can both whine, dine and celebrate! I can be quick and merciful and I even can hit this one hard in the nuts… but I have respect for the creative team and the publisher, so let us just handle this per team-member.

First of all: The Publisher

Dynamite has given new wings and a new life to Vampirella and although sure, us fans can bitch about not using the costume enough or the amount of variant covers or the parodies that are either lame or actually rather good (Fluffy) or all-out silly. We can however also be thankful that Dynamite made the effort to make Vampirella again a note-worthy comic. Surely I can bitch and moan (Dracula!) but all in all I am thrilled to get my Vampirella kicks month after month!

Second: The Writer

Like I said in an earlier review ” When I first found out Dynamite contracted Tom Sniegoski as writer for a new Vampirella mini-series, I was over the moon. Sniegoski (with Christopher Golden) was one of my favorite writers from the Vampirella comics during the Harris era and to have him return meant nothing less than: party!

And so the bar was set… and luckily it’s been met! Sniegoski has crafted a tale in which Vampirella is contracted by an angelic host (Dominations) to find a missing angelic general, with the help of a fallen angel named Janus. These elements of the story are mixed together with the discovery of a drug derived from angelic blood as well as a black market for angelic organ-parts, and Sniegoski is surely stepping up his game.

And indeed Sniegoski makes a compelling story in which the humanity as well as the demonic side to Vampirella plays a great part, in which her voice is fiesty yet decisive and her actions are still strong and justified. The scene in #6 with the demon-dog Cleo and the interaction with ‘Rella makes for one of my favorite scenes, because the subtleties of small scenes like this, makes for the story to rise above all others. It makes the click with the reader, turning him or her into a fan for life.

What Sniegoski also does in this final issue – and that is all I can say without spoiling the ending – is make a a twist in the ending in which the double meaning of the word ‘ twist ‘ can be fully appreciated. The ending of this issue is a celebrational one, because when the dust settles, Vampirella is our true hero. And Sniegoski made Vampirella into more then she was… he added a twist, a spunk, a thought and Vampirella has been marked with greatness in a new form, yet again. And that is mastery, right there.

Third: The Artist

Johnny D. is good. Period. I really like the dynamic poses, the action shots… I actually like the erratic camera-positions in this book. The way he is set loose on Vampirella is stunning. I am getting a rushed feeling however in this issue, mainly in the art concerning Janus, making him look more background then a leading character. And do not get me started on the #6 cover by Johnny D, which is one of the worst I have ever seen on ‘Rella. I will stick with the Fabiano Neves cover for sure!
But all in all, Johnny got the story going and he really made sure Sniegoski’s tale was supported.

Fourth: The colorist

I have talked about this before… and sadly this choice of colouring made the book look plain ugly. I am not even going to dwell on this, because that would make me sad and I much rather look at the story at this point.


Get Sniegoski some new paper and get Johnny a different colorist OR give the colorist some decent deadlines perhaps. You know where to find me if you need help!


  • Words: Tom Sniegoski
  • Art: Johnny Desjardins
  • Colors: Adriano Lucas
  • Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
  • Price: $3.99
  • Release Date: June 19, 2013

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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