Review: Van Helsing and the League of Monsters #2
“What the hell is it with monsters and they’re castles?” – Robyn Hood
Van Helsing’s world has fallen apart, she’s on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but she has no time to contemplate this as something big and evil rears its ugly head on her. An attack from all the major monsters of history, she had a hard time defeating them individually, but can she hope to stop all of them? Fortunately, this time she’s not alone.

The Creative Team:
Raven Gregory begins this issue inside Julie’s head as her subconscious conjures up images that may be a bit unsettling. I love how this issue is showing a protagonist’s insecurities and deep-seated fears. So many times, our heroes show no weakness and that makes them less than human. We need to see our heroes overcome their weaknesses so that we can relate to them. It turns out that Julie caused a lot of damage to the bar where her physical presence was being felt, not to mention taking care of some unwanted advances from a perp, and now the cops have arrived. Great stuff includes how Julie blacks out before she apparently attacked the patrons at a bar and a look at the goings-on in her head, seeing the evil that has motivated her thus far.
Deivis Goetten brings a unique style to the heroines of the Zenescope universe yet keeps the illustrations consistent to that same universe. The attention to detail lets you know this is a Zenescope original. The take on the classic monsters is an awesome reverence to their original source yet all the while bringing them up to date for the modern era. Highlights include the splash of the Frankenstein monster facing Robyn and Van Helsing about to confront a foe.
In Conclusion:
The action is just heating up as this issue gives us some insight as to how they plan on taking over Julie’s head and bringing her into their service. We see our protagonists deal with what’s been going on in her mind. The battle between Robyn and Frankenstein’s monster may not go quite as… to be continued. *** (8.2 rating)

Van Helsing and the League of Monsters #2
Writer – Raven Gregory
Art – Deivis Goetten
Colors – Robby Bevard
Letters – Taylor Esposito
Publisher – Zenescope