Review: Whore OGN - Comics for Sinners

Kaching Comic Reviews

Published on December 17th, 2012 | by Richard Boom

Review: Whore OGN

whorebykaufmanJacob Mars is a killer. Not only a lady-killer but a real killer. He dedicated his life to his country, joining the CIA. When he gets downsized, he dedicates his life to money and takes on every job he can to pay for his life’s extravagances and, well… his alimony for his three ex-wives.

His downsizing brings out the real Mars; the one who will truly do anything, from being a sperm donor to a dog-walker to a hired assassin.

All the while he keeps on giving women what they want in a “Size Really Matters” sort of way. His attitude and size, as well as his amazing tendency to live on the edge of life, make him a desirable catch, at least in the fantasy of the writer of this comic of course!

From the beginning to the end this tale of a “man-whore to the extreme” is a wild ride riddled with action and women, with tough one-liners and mayhem with Mars smack in the middle.

What the writer, Jeffrey Kaufman, nails in this project is the absurdity and sheer pettiness of human society, made abundantly clear in the magnificent ways Mars handles each new daring assignment with inventive solutions. Human society at its core (or at least some of its many cores) is really as rotten as described. There is also sheer brilliance in how Kaufman handles the dialogue with every new client (with the obnoxious attitude as well as the fabulous solutions Mars comes up with) and one of the “coolest” moments verbally would have to be Mars’ meeting with President Obama.

The artist, Marco Turini, really handles his pencil to match Kaufman’s writing as he entertains the reader with fine artwork and a more realistic approach in his style.

The only thing I find this lovely re-readable story to lack is a certain sense of editorial presence. I noticed strange movements and situations that felt off when going from panel to panel, which would have been very disturbing if the art were of a lesser quality or if the story was not so fast-paced.

All in all, I really must admit that I am now looking into following Kaufman’s next projects. I am also eager to track down his Terminal Alice which makes a nice little cameo in Whore at the end.


  • Words: Jeffrey Kaufman
  • Art: Marco Turini
  • Inks: Marco Turini
  • Colors: James Brown
  • Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
  • Price: $9.99
  • Release Date: Sep 12, 2012

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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