Shipping from SQP Art Books in July (NSFW) - Comics for Sinners


Published on April 10th, 2014 | by Richard Boom

Shipping from SQP Art Books in July (NSFW)

velvet3safeAfter much time and interminable pestering/threatening, we FINALLY have the third edition to the staggeringly popular “Velvet Love” series by Stefano Mazzotti.

It would seem that beautiful girl-on-girl action is the PREFERRED form of same-sex affection approved by America!

We’ve also taken this opportunity to reprint the FIRST foray into sapphic pin-up goodness with a new printing of “Velvet Love 1“. Naturally, not to feel left out, we’re relisting the tried and true “Velvet Love 2” as well.

I’ve created “Web-Safe” versions of all the covers, covering up all the saucy/naughty-bits! I’m including both versions – safe AND actual – you know your audience, so use whichever causes the least amount of cyber-angst!

As always, SQP Art Books maintains a staggering array of illustrated wonders, covering all delightful aspects of fantasy, erotic, and pin-up artwork. Any questions or additional info required – ask me already!


Bob Keenan
Minister of Propaganda

velvet3actualVelvet Love Volume Three – Girl on Girl on Girl!

At last, the third and final phase of this sumptuous feast of female passions is ready for its up close and very personal premiere! The stunning artwork of Stefano Mazzotti has made this series the stand-out in sapphic desire and stunning detail! With a running commentary by Silvio Andrei, this third book sets girl on girl on GIRL! Whoa! That’s a 33% increase in girlage!

48 pages in full color
ISBN – 978-0-86562-239-5

velvet1actualVelvet Love Volume One – Girl on Girl

Back in print and hotter than ever, the first chapter of Stefano Mazzotti’s outstanding look at ladies who REALLY enjoy each other’s company proves just why it was such a best-seller! With text by Vincenzo Silvestroni, the wonders of being bi-curious are explored and celebrated in magnificently intricate portraits – what MORE could you possible ask for?!

48 pages in full color
ISBN – 978-0-86562-109-1


velvet2actualVelvet Love Volume Two – Girl on Girl

Once again, those noted lesbianologists Stefano Mazzotti and Vincenzo Silvestroni have taken another hot and steamy journey into the jungle of girl-on-girl action, only to bring back more tantalizing images! Here are women in the throes of passion, letting their lustful ways burst into torrid and forbidden love. And you thought education had to be boring! 48 pages in full color
ISBN – 978-0-86562-145-9

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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