
Published on February 4th, 2019 | by Richard Boom


Sisterhood Update: Mummy To Jungle Queen

With only 6 days left on the SKETCH COVER Kickstarter (benefiting Heroes Initiative as well as my own good cause), I can honestly say, I am already looking forward to the next project! And funny thing: there is a new MUMMY/Sisterhood project coming up, but also one with a Jungle Queen! I will attach the image already here.

I am already taking notes on what to do for fun, but I am adamant to give backers a full load! My first project will be the one that I have learned some mistakes with, but also will be the one to set a correct plan of possibilities in regards to shipping and to maximizing FUN!! So my goal is to set shipping costs at a bare minimum and/or make sure you will get freebies from the very get-go. I want backers to have fun with my projects as well… so the basic rewards in my eyes should not ONLY be about getting a comic book. So I am leaning hard to more trading cards… I am in love with trading cards so expect those :)If you however have a different idea, I am open to all kinds of stuff! Back on track with THIS project though…. 

Bagging boarding and packing all the Sisterhood freebies. 4 hrs it took me (10 PM till 2 AM) but loved every minute….. Which is a total lie!!!! 300 packages with each 12 freebies (trading cards, coin, bookmark, postcards),…., it wears  off :)But a few days later if did fill me with joy! The result is amazing!

But the result is fun and I have now already four boxes filled to the rim with freebies! Now I have to wait for the colorist to get the final pages in and the letterer is next and THEN I can have fun with the printing company!So bear with me… everything is still on track!! A smidgen delay due to the colorist working on Sisterhood-commissions as well, but IT IS COMING!!!!!

As promised: the JUNGLE QUEEN images!

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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