
Published on February 4th, 2017 | by Richard Boom


The Chronicles of FARO — Volume 2 Begins

Faro Kane makes comic books.  Whether hunting poachers or playmates, Faro Kane has spent the last 20 years traveling the world in the business of rare and exotic art acquisitions.

His first graphic novel was called The Chronicles of FARO – a 200 page adventure story that begins when a professor travels back in time to prevent the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.  What follows is a descent into a vicious game of reality altering, driven by a tribe of trillionaires who seek to manipulate our titular hero in order to steal his secrets.

As the title is Kickstarting on to Volume 2, the story will open with a very different 1976 and an America that has expanded far beyond Manifest Destiny on it’s 200th birthday.

The survival of Lincoln has led to a century of prosperity, but a dark cloud of evil looms in the distance, evolving every day before the eventual convergence of consequences.

Volume 2 — Chapter 1 will be a 36 page adventure that will take Faro from the Mississippi River and across the Southwest before touching down in San Francisco for a deadly showdown with Master Wu, who is still seething for revenge since the murder of his true love, the sadistic and seductive Domina Palms.

With another time machine being built, Faro must choose between the future and the present when his lover Rachel Rain is taken by THE CIRCLE, the cult of trillionaire time travelers who have been stalking Faro since the beginning of this adventure.

Aimed at Mature Readers, the novel is featured on the site along with the latest Kickstarter campaign for the next chapter, where you can see sample pages, the cover and some of the commissions.

Faro Kane’s goal as a comic book writer is to write for the big boys, but “I’ve been accused of being “too pushy” and “out there” with my ideas each time I get in front of them.  I always told them I’m not going away” . Now with the continued support of readers and collectors the team behind the comic book FARO continues to be a tiny thorn in the face of corporate comic cliffhanger complacency.

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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