Harpies #1 is about A War World 2 alt..." /> The Harpies Are Coming… to punch nazi’s! - Comics for Sinners


Published on September 25th, 2018 | by Richard Boom


The Harpies Are Coming… to punch nazi’s!

Harpies #1 is about A War World 2 alt history horror comic about 3 allied spies teaming up.

The 2nd great war is almost over. The allies are closing in the Nazis. A desperate Hitler is rumored to have something up his sleeve. The allies aren’t completely sure what it is. They send 3 spies that go by the code name Harpies to figure out what is it. The Harpies stumble upon tip that an occultist name Johanna is Hitler’s new weapon. Now, they just have to figure out what it is that Johanna is capable of before its too late.

Let us introduce the team:

Marcel Dupree(Writer)– Owns and operates Evoluzione Publishing. He has been writing on and off for the past 7 years.

Vincenzo Carratù(artist) Born in Battipaglia in 1990, he attended the school “Comix Ars” of Salerno with excellent results, publishing before the end of the training course a short story on “The Steams Chronicles” for Noise Press. In 2018 the first collaboration began with Venezia Comix on “Capitan Napoli”, then with Cut-Up Publishing on Zartana and then landed on American soil with Evoluzione Publishing, realizing the covers of some SFC series and then, first a short story “The Skynwalker ” on” Armor I “and then becoming the artist of the series” Harpies “in collaboration with Spotti Enterteinment, for which he also made a series of covers.

Vittorio Astone(Colorist) a professional comic book artist and freelancer concept artist. Published some short stories with Heavy Metal Magazine and Editoriale Aurea’s Lanciostory and now working with Vault Comics on an upcoming comic book series. As a concept artist, he is currently working as a freelancer for private clients.

Want to know more? Check out their page on Facebook!

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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