
Published on March 15th, 2022 | by Richard Boom


Top Cow Launches “Metal Society” in which every human deserves a fighting chance!

In a future world of robots, extinct humans have been brought back to life – but will they earn their place in society, or will have to fight for it. The forthcoming Top Cow/Image sci-fi mini series — METAL SOCIETY — by Zack Kaplan (PORT OF EARTHECLIPSE), Guilherme Balbi, Marco Lesko, and Troy Peteri — explores just that with a side of MMA-Style sport fights. 
  In METAL SOCIETY, the creators take readers into an inverted future, where evolved robots resurrected humans for manual labor. But, a tribalistic cultural clash breaks out, causing a fearless human fighter and a frustrated, displaced robot to square off in a public fight of epic stakes.  

Creator Zack Kaplan says, “While our own technology, our politics and our world are changing faster than ever, sadly our society seems to be responding with aggression and hostility. We’re resorting to tribalism and we’re allowing our differences to be aired out publicly for entertainment value. I’ve always been inspired by great robot stories that remind us of our own experience, and I thought that by exploring this Rocky-style fight drama in a futuristic robot ruled world, this charged robot vs human culture clash, and the ‘human’ fighters that get pulled into these public battles, we might just learn something about our own humanity and our social conflicts today.” 

Paired with newcomer artist Guilherme Balbi, they created a rich world in which readers can suspend disbelief and put themselves into the story. Balbi commented, “Creating a new world is always a big challenge, and even getting bigger because everything with “robots” is even more difficult, but that’s exactly what makes this world so special. There are many details, wires and many, many gears. I try to get a lot of inspiration from movies and references, and mix with the things I like. Understanding Zack’s vision for this project was very important to take another step in my growth as an artist, but in this work I took flight.”

“I thrilled to be doing another hard sci-fi series with Top Cow, and if you are not familiar with impressive artist newcomer Guilherme Balbi and incredibly talented colorist Marco Lesko, well, get ready, because they are an awe-inspiring duo that just energizes and brings life to each and every page of this comic,” added Zack Kaplan.

“Zack Kaplan is one of my favorite writers to work with,” says Top Cow President Matt Hawkins (COLOSSUSTHINK TANK), “And this is, in my humble opinion, his best work yet. METAL SOCIETY, artificial intelligence, robots…what more could you want?”
See if the human or robot will reign supreme in METAL SOCIETY comic shops on Wednesday, May 5th, 2022.

METAL SOCIETY will also be available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Comixology, and Google Play.

PORT OF EARTH writer ZACK KAPLAN teams up with hot artist newcomer GUILHERME BALBI ina new dramatic sci-fi MINISERIES, BLADE 
RUNNER meets ROCKY. In an inverted future, evolved robots have resurrected humans for manual labor, but when a tribalistic cultural clash breaks out, a fearless human fighter and a frustrated, displaced robot will square off in a public MMA-style sport fight of epic stakes to finally prove which is supreme: man or machine?

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About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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