Tucci & Sanapo Deliver New Miss Fury Graphic Novel
Coming soon…
Two fantastically talented creators. One badass and historically crucial character. A groundbreaking story. Gorgeous artwork. Available directly for the fans through crowdfunding.

Billy Tucci and Maria Laura Sanapo have a classified project they’re cooking up. If you poke around social media, you may figure it out… Or just click below for the partial reveal and to sign up for updates. We’ll show you some more teases as the launch approaches, and will let you know ASAP when it’s live.
As Tucci tells his loyal following “The cat’s out of the bag! I’m writing return of the original Miss Fury for Dynamite Amazing interior art by Maria Laura Sanapo @Indiegogo only launch 6/3/20 please sign up for updates! Miss Fury: Joy Division brings back all original characters and continuity staying true and honoring to her creator Tarpe Mills”