Published on February 9th, 2016 | by Richard Boom
Unlock More Mercy Sparx Stretch Goals
Bummed you missed out on the Mercy Sparx Kickstarter? Were you hoping to get Mercy Sparx Omnibus 1 with all the bells and whistles?
No worries…you can still pledge for UV Spot Gloss Edition of Mercy Sparx Omnibus 1, Mercy Sparx #1 Sketch Covers, Mercy Sparx WTF? at the special Kickstarter rate, and more through BackerKit Pre-Orders.
Not only will you be able to snag the Mercy Sparx Kickstarter exclusive, your BackerKit Pre-Order will contribute to unlocking more Stretch Goals from Kickstarter.
What are these new Stretch Goals we can unlock?
Josh Blaylock and Devil’s Due want you to let us know what you want them to be!
Comment on Facebook and on Kickstarter and you will be heard! Don’t just sit there.
Head to the BackerKit Pre-Order Shop and share the link with your friends now!