Vampblade Costume Contest Announced - Comics for Sinners


Published on November 8th, 2016 | by Richard Boom

Vampblade Costume Contest Announced

vampblade-contest-cosplayKatie Carva is VAMPBLADE, a comic shop employee thrust into a the role of her favorite childhood comicbook hero! When she touches mystical blades that transform her into the 90s bad girl comic book character of the same name, she enters a world of secret conflict, with nasty hidden other-dimensional invaders; space vampires called the Glorkians.

Now, after a year of adventures and discovery into her creepy new world, it’s time for her to shed her 90’s style and take things to the next level! That’s where you come in…


The winning costume will be determined by variant cover sales and online voting. It will premiere in season 2 of the Vampblade series, which starts March 2017.

Writer Jason Martin comments on VAMPBLADE: “VAMPBLADE is a chance to really cut loose and have fun with geek/genre culture, with a character like you and I, a lifelong comic book fan, who also happens to be living out stories ripped from the 4 color world we only dream of in the pages of our favorite books! We may fantasize about being the hero in a universe where anything goes, but fortunately we can just read about how crazy and insane that would really be… and now fans of the book can help decide how that story goes! Cool!!”

Note: Addresses will be used in the event that you are picked to receive one of the (3) three exclusive covers. This information is 100% safe and will not be sold or distributed. All winners are picked at random. Only one entry per person. Winners will be notified via email by December 15, 2016. Good luck!


About the Author

Richard is the driving force behind Comics for Sinners. His love and admiration for female comic book characters is virtually unparalleled, which immediately explains his biggest 'sin': his Hot Mummy fetish. This sketchbook theme is philogynistic in nature and even the source of his WIP comic book series "The Sisterhood".

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